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My latest campaign speech for Vice President...

I was invited to present a campaign message at the February 8th SNCCC meeting, by the SNCCC President, in support to my candidacy for Vice President of the Casino Collectibles Association.

Here is the complete text of that presentation.


Thank you to the SNCCC Board for this opportunity.

As a long-time Board member of the SNCCC, I believe that everyone here tonight has witnessed my passion for our hobby and my capabilities in fulfilling a Board position these many years that I was the Secretary to the SNCCC, which is the 2ndlargest, hobby related Club, behind the CCA.

I have been the Vice President of the CCA for 5 and ½ years, and I am now seeking a 3rd term in that position. I respectfully ask that those of you who are CCA members to vote for my continuance in that role. Over these past years, I have proven myself as a solid, reliable and active Board Officer for the CCA. I am the principal contact for the filing of Claims. Following a submitted Claim, early into my role, it became obvious that the Club’s Claims Process was sorely in need of clarification and re-development. I took on that responsibility, in concert with our own Christine Smith and Michael Siskin, as the CCA’s Legal Team, and we put forth a detailed, and improved Claims Process that was adopted by the CCA Board.

One other major responsibility of the CCA’s Vice President, is to perform additional duties as directed by the President of the Board. One such task was to create the CCA Newsletter, in conjunction with the President (soliciting content) and the assistance of an email wrangler. Following last year’s CCA Convention, I became the Managing Editor of the CCA Newsletter, at the direction of the CCA President, and the Newsletter is now distributed to 2,384+ readers, both CCA Members and non-CCA Members.

While I can certainly identify additional actions, efforts and accomplishments I have had in my capacity as the CCA’s Vice President, I’ll just close here and respectfully request your vote in the upcoming CCA election.

Thank you,

Jim Follis
CCA Vice President (incumbent)

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My latest campaign speech for Vice President...
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