~~~ in them; especially the denominations seen on film when, as you mention; there is no knowing exactly which were used -- except that someone decided those denomination be props... and that is what I was referring to with the sunglasses... only one type (related to an unknown quantity of the known denominations) which is limiting the field which I would think is what should spark interest... and, yes, you have done everything possible in your presentations with explaining all you know.
I remember Eisenstadt once telling me when the Oostende 250.000 plaque I sold him was a prop for the American soap opera "All My Children" that the person in charge of "props" is known as the Property Keeper... and, maybe that is where you need to find out if there were "property" notes of photos taken/recorded.
Sometimes it only takes a few questions in the right arena to get some of the answers to the questions you are seeking...