That sure looks like the DIXIE DUCK!!!!
My crazy Cat Island adventure took place many years ago when my mother came out from New York to visit. Somehow - we decided to go to the Island but Mom suggested, to save time, that we fly. So she arranged a flight from San Pedro, I drove us down there and we boarded the little airplane parked on the pier. The pilot revvvvvs the engines and off we go . . . right down the dock . . . into the water! KER-SPLASHHHH! Nobody told me it was a seaplane!!!! So the water is rising about halfway up the windows, I'm wetting my bottom, and finally the pilot hits whatever Flying Device at his disposal, and off we go. Sheeee!
Now I am wondering how he plans to land. On the Catalina Airport where the Buffalo roam? Are we going to swim the last few yards to Avalon? Nnnnooooo - he comes down in the harbor and plops down beside a floating dock, and we disembark. Foow, foow, foow.*
So I survived (barely) but never again did I visit Catalina Island. Torrey can keep all the chips he finds in the Casino there!
* Embarking is Woof woof woof, so disembarking is the opposite. Ask the Cats on Cat Island.