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Who’s up for a friendly Kentucky Derby wager?

I’ll put up any chip(s) in my trader’s list (see chip guide query facility) against your chip (must be from my want list and of equal or greater book value - see link in my signature). We each pick a horse with the same/similar odds of winning. If one of us wins, the loser sends the winner the chip they’re risking. If neither horse wins (takes first place), we each keep our chips. Here’s the deal:

Find a chip I want and pick your horse. Text me the CG/TCR#, a pic of your chip, and the horse you’ve selected. I’ll then pick a horse with the same odds. If there isn’t a horse with the same exact odds, I’ll pick the next most favorable odds horse (my contest, my rules, so choose wisely). The horse must take 1st place for it to be considered a win for either of us (ie it’s not whose horse finishes best). There is no wager until I text back with a picture of the chip I’m wagering AND you acknowledge that the chip is acceptable to you.

Any takers? Time’s running out. My ph# is 530-570-2222. I live in Reno and will be at the convention if we decide personal delivery is ok.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg