PLEASE READ THE RULES CAREFULLY! I don't want you to be disqualified before the contest even starts!
* You must be a current member to enter.
* You must link an "I'm In!" message (or something similar) DIRECTLY to my post.
* Your post must contain your name and number. No actual name or
number = NO entry.
* Contest closes Sunday, November the 29th at noon EST.
* Only one entry per member.
* If less than 75 members have entered the contest by Sunday at noon, contest will be declared NULL & VOID. No prize will be awarded.
I will use a random number generator to determine the winner.
The winner will have their choice of one of two prizes:
(1) A brand new copy of "THE CHIP RACK 20". Shipping is free within the US. If the winner is from Canada/Mexico they will need to pay $20 S&H. All other worldwide addresses will need to pay $38 S&H.
(2) A $75 Gift Certificate to "". is owned and operated by member Ricky Pushkin (R-6038). His site lists thousands of chips from all over that are available for sale. Check it out!!