a. Down load Poker Stars software from www.pokerstars.net and sign up (No Ipad)
b. Give yourself a poker nickname
2. Once you have a PS nickname, email me with your name, CCA membership # and PS nickname
a. Email is Burbankchipper@aol.com (not for PayPal)
b. At this time I will verify your membership status
c. Upon receiving info I will email further instructions on getting into the tournament
d. If you played in our previous game, you are in the club, just suspended until $$ received.
3. Send $100 Via PayPal - Do NOT mention poker in the payment, just note: CC-PT
a. PayPal -- Hubeedoo@aol.com
4. After #1 thru #3 items have been done, you can then log into Poker Stars and sign up for the game. Sign-ups start November 24, 2020 at 1:00 PST
*5. If not a CCA member, you can join, go to the web site listed below, fill out the form and use my name (Richard Huber) as your sponsor. The Membership Officer will Let me know when he gives you a number that you are a member. Use the following link to join -- http://www.ccgtcc.com/promo/newmember.html
6. Because all of the required steps that need to be done, we cannot guarantee your entrance into the game. If that should occur your tournament money will be refunded. This is time sensitive.