Eventually they will make a "snapper" to pay for $5.00 blackjack in their bets - $2.50 is more for convenience that anything else.
Imagine in "time and motion" study. With a bet in blackjack table with a $5.00 will according to blackjack rule pay $7.50.
With a handy $2.50 chip [one move only] - the dealer has "two moves" to get the one dollar coin and another one dollar and the third move to get a "fifty cents coin" - in time and notion principle study" will be "3 moves of the dealer" - pick one dollar coin is one move and pick the second dollar move makes two moves and pick the "fifty cent" coin is the third move. Whereas if there is a $2.50 chip it is only "one move" - in the long run or in the short run - the casino will lost so much time, multiply that with the number of plays in blackjack table with 7 players or throughout the gaming hall - there will be a "factor long enough for the casino to time" [time is money] - time is of the essence here. Casino managers encourage their floor persons - that when the dealer deals more the more the casino chances of winning at the end of the day bigger to their favor.
Believe it or not.