We are immediately instituting a new policy in regards to using posts on the ChipBoard for the ChipGuide. We want to make sure that we are treating everyone fairly and that we get all the information that we need to post items to the ChipGuide correctly the first time.
We will no longer accept submissions for the ChipGuide that are posted on the ChipBoard. If an item is posted on the ChipBoard that if missing from the ChipGuide, Admins will need to contact the individual who made the post and ask them to submit the item using the ChipGuide Submission Form.
Some posts on the ChipBoard are to show off items in a collection or to sell or trade items. The purpose of the post is not to make a ChipGuide Submission, but to share an item in a collection for show, trade or sale. When that item is needed for the ChipGuide, an Admin can contact the individual for their approval. When this happens, please notify the ChipGuide Webmaster that an arrangement has been made. Currently we have such arrangements with Ricky Pushkin, Jerry Birl, Fred Hempel, Pam G. and Richard Siri.
Hopefully, this will stop the posts on the ChipBoard that say "For the ChipGuide ...". But, I wouldn't be surprised to see it again in the future. Those who submit items using the Submission Form should then feel that no one is getting preferential treatment. And the admins will have the information that they need to put the item on the ChipGuide.