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Words Can't Sooth Your Sorrow...

but knowing your fur buddy is not in any pain can help you understand the life-death cycle of owning a loved pet. We had to put down Tanner -- our cat after 19 years of caring for him. He came into our lives as a two-week old rescue
kitten, and had to overcome all kind of maladies as a youngster, but he was a fighter. He is sadly missed, and it is like losing a lifetime friend. We miss his affectionate wake up, and daily presence. It takes a long time to get over such a loss. Just remember all the good times and smile. May your beloved animal RIP.

Messages In This Thread

Very hard day on Wed. 8/9/20 I must
Re: Very hard day on Wed. 8/9/20 I must
Re: sad That's so sad... sad
Re: Very hard day on Wed. 8/9/20 I must
Re: Very hard day on Wed. 8/9/20 I must
Re: Very hard day on Wed. 8/9/20 I must
Re: Very hard day on Wed. 8/9/20 I must
Only another dog owner would .....
Sorry for your loss, Fred. 😕
Words Can't Sooth Your Sorrow...
It makes a very bad day
So sorry, horrible situation to be in
Very sorry to hear this Fred...thoughts are with
Sorry to hear this, Fred
So sorry, Fred
Re: Very sorry for your loss
Sorry, Fred!
I feel your pain...
Thanks for all the kind words. we want to
Re: Thanks for all the kind words. we want to

Copyright 2022 David Spragg