responsibility to restrict the sale or manufacture of fake or fantasy chips? The members of Chip Talk get chip sets made with regularity that are fake (not actual casino) & fantasy chips. That is their choice & the CCA has no right or authority to tell them or anyone else what they can collect or manufacture. What the CCA has done is provide information to collectors of what chips were made to "fool" collectors, the best example being the Borland chips. The information is available...people just need to know where to find it. And many collectors do have a large collection of these fake & fantasy chips. Who is the CCA to tell them that they can't collect them? As long as the club continues to make information available about fakes & fantasies, they are doing their job (in my opinion). Over the years, I have notified on numerous occasions about people selling chips that were falsely listed or described.
doesn't care and neither do the long as they make their money.
I started collecting Las Vegas casino chips in earnest about 25 years ago. In the beginning, I bought almost everything through Dave & Debbie Harber, who are as honest as you could want. For the two years between when I joined until I joined the
, I bought a TON of crappy chips on
that were advertised as from Las Vegas, but in fact, were not. After joining the
, I met plenty of people that provided a wealth of knowledge & information or steered me where to find it. And in the immortal words of Emil Faber, "Knowledge is good." As long as the information is available and if current or future collectors can figure out a way to find it, I believe that the club has done its job. Just my opinion.
Steve Bedo