I have been reading the thread on the process to be inducted into the HOF. I would like to remind everyone this is our highest honor we present in this club. Much has been said as to how our process works and how we need to overhaul it just to get someone in. I would like to present ANA’s two highest awards and what their requirements are to receive them. First is the Farran Zerbe Memorial Award.
The highest honor conferred by the ANA, the Farran Zerbe Memorial Award is given in recognition of numerous years of outstanding, dedicated service to numismatics.
The Criteria
The nominee should be an individual who has rendered numerous years of outstanding service to the ANA as well as the field of numismatics. The nominee should be a former Medal of Merit and Glenn Smedley Memorial Award recipient. This award is limited to members of the ANA.
Notice that for the Farran Zerbe award the Criteria is simple and to the point. The person putting up someone is required to provide the needed information. Should we expect less from someone we induct into the HOF?
ANA also has a Hall of Fame, The requirements just to be considered a person nominating them need to provide the following information.
Each member is limited to two nominations at any election.
To be considered valid, nominations MUST include no less than 300 words of background or biographical information.
If possible, please include a photograph of the nominee. Multiple submissions are OK. f you don't have a photo, do you know a source or publication where one can be obtained?
If the nominee is deceased, please provide contact information for any surviving family members (if known):
I would like to nominate the above individual as a candidate for consideration for Enshrinement in the Numismatic Hall of Fame. This nominee deserves to be elected to this high honor because of his/her contributions to and achievements in the field of numismatics, which are as follows:
Biographical information - Use this space to list international, national, regional or local numismatic organizations the nominee is/was a member of.
List any offices held and the year(s). (Example: Secretary, 1998-1999; Vice-President 1999-2001; etc.)
Please list numismatic accomplishments
Please list published numismatic works:
Be sure to include title of the work, the publisher and date of publication
Please list published numismatic works:
Be sure to include title of the work, the publisher and date of publication
Please list numismatic awards
Be sure to include the year the honor was received.
All of their awards are pass through three committees before they come up for a vote and the committee that handles their HOF has their own bylaws and code of ethics to follow.
Another point that ANA has in their bylaws is that no current sitting Board Member or officer (either elected or appointed) can receive any service award while they are on the board. It has worked well for them we might even try it for our HOF!