OK, I see what you mean now. Until 1975, CJ and LCV chips were produced by Burt on the same mold. Concave/smooth and ragged inserts were both produced by Burt on this mold. That would explain what people have occasionally identified as "hybrid" CJ/Paul-Son chips that have characteristics of both.
BUT people have identified measurable morphological differences between what are commonly referred to as the CJ and the Paulson LCV chips.
Robert Eisenstadt wrote in describing the difference; "One difference is that the Paul-son H&C (for quite a while) was about 7 mm long while the CJ (Christy & Jones) H&C is about 9 mm long; the CJ ones have slightly taller hats, too." ( https://www.antiquegamblingchips.com/molddesign_manmade.htm )
Others have noted something that is a lot easier to measure than what Eisenstadt describes; CJ chips are slightly wider in diameter than LCV and SCV Paulson chips. I can see this when I roll a barrel of mixed CJ, LCV, and SVC chips. The CJ chips (concave inserts/shiny hats) are a little higher than the rest. (It is possible I am lacking in my collection, however, pre-1975 LCV and SCV chips.)
Are you saying that these morphological differences all happened after the 1975 transition?
I imagine that the the molds would wear out, especially with large Las Vegas orders, and Paul-Son would have needed to create duplicate molds, which may have introduced slight changes.