Hi Paul. A few suggestions for your site before I'll take a serious look at what you have.
I suggest that you add a more refined search. For instance, I only collect $5 Nevada chips. If I go to "Other Nevada Cities", the only thing I can do is search for "5.00", but when I do that, it "finds" chips you're SELLING for $5.00, not the denomination $5.00. I would have to click through a lot of pages and search each page for what I'm looking for. I would suggest you create drop-downs for various criteria that people might search for, or add keywords to your descriptions and allow people to search description for items of interest.
Additionally, if you can show the number of chips in the category and/or search results, that would be helpful as well. I can't tell how many chips I'm about to wade through. When numbers are high, I know to refine my search to narrow things down.
Increase the max # of chips viewable per page. 100 is the max I can see at a time, with an unknown number of pages to search through. If your server can handle it, include an "all" option. Otherwise, let us go to 500 or even 1000 per page, please.
Good luck with the store. I hope to be able to find some chips to get or trade from you. A list of casinos I'm searching for is in the link at the bottom of my posts.
-- barry