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Re: Here We Go Again-No Masks!
In Response To: Here We Go Again-No Masks! ()

So call me a fool!

I wear a mask - on the advice of MY doctors and will continue to do so until THEY advise differently.

What's the skin off your back if I feel better with one on my face when I'm out in public? Yep, fool that I am, I feel more secure if I wear one when I'm out in public. Maybe I'm not much of a gambler after all!

So sick of this being a political issue. Don't 100,000 deaths matter? Doesn't it make sense that with a virus like this, one that is still being learned about, that advice from the WHO or CDC or heaven forbid, liberal advisors, would change? I for one am GLAD it's changing, it means that someone is actually working to try to figure out how to prevent it from taking another 100,000 in this country.

And for the record, yes, I've been laid off from my job because of all of this and have no idea how I'm going to continue to pay my bills or keep my house, or when, IF I'll be able to find another job at my age. I'll figure it out, but in the meantime, I suppose, I'll also fall into the lazy bums collecting unemployment compartment.


Messages In This Thread

Here We Go Again-No Masks!
Re: Here We Go Again-No Masks!
Re: Here We Go Again-No Masks!
Re: Here We Go Again-No Masks!
Re: Here We Go Again-No Masks!
Re: Here We Go Again-No Masks!
Re: Here We Go Again-No Masks!
Re: Here We Go Again-No Masks!
Re: Here We Go Again-No Masks!
Re: Here We Go Again-No Masks!
Re: Here We Go Again-No Masks!
Re: Here We Go Again-No Masks!
What worries me the most is when I am ~~~
Re: What worries me the most is when I am ~~~
Re: What worries me the most is when I am ~~~
Won’t Do John Any Good To Wear a Mask..
Re: Won’t Do John Any Good To Wear a Mask..
Re: What worries me the most is when I am ~~~
So Sad to be you, Dr. Perlowski
Re: Your post is not worthy of a comment
Chips Chips Chips
Re: Chips Chips Chips
Re: Chips Chips Chips
You Sure Have One Thing Right..
I remember when ....
That’s a Great Comparison and So True..
Re: I remember when ....
Re: I remember when ....
Re: I remember when ....
yes, but...
Thank you for that Archie. The way I see it...
Re: Here We Go Again-No Masks!
Trump fired the WHO today.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg