patriot. I am reluctant to discuss my meager 4 years of Navy service time. I was in the Gulf of Tonkin when Viet Nam started up. Stationed on an Ammo ship, the Mt. Baker AE-4. It really did not hit me during the time I was in Navy (61-65), but now I think of the massive amount bombs and supplies we distributed to the Carriers and their group. Today after reading your story of family and friends it hit me pretty hard. I had 3 uncles in WWII, One came home ok, one came home with a back full shrapnel (I watched my aunt remove tiny pieces of it from time to time) and one came back decorated with 3 medals (Silver Star and 2 Bronze Stars), the unfortunate thing his service time was in the 40's, the medals did not arrive until the 80's. I was so very proud of them all, none are with us today. God bless America...Reggie