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One other thing that needs to be cleared up ~~~

~~~ since you mentioned tourists.

I'm reading where casino/hotel employees are going to be wearing masks and that masks will be made available for guests free of charge if they "care" to wear one.

1. Hotel and casino guests don't care about shît. They could care less what they bring into town and drop off in your lap and leave with sometimes not even knowing what they are doing.

2. If the house doesn't require guests to wear a mask, what's going to prevent a player from sneezing on a dealer and infecting that dealer if the player is a carrier... or, sneeze on the cards or chips...?

Somebody; union or whomever, needs to get their act together and focus on a lot more than trying to reopen the town in the fastest and least expensive way possible when employees will be trying to stay alive while going back to work.

Messages In This Thread

Sad Sunday in Las Vegas
Why doesn't the mayor chase them out of town.
Re: Why doesn't the mayor chase them out of town.
One other thing that needs to be cleared up ~~~
Just invited to 6 Free Hotel Nights at Golden Gate
There'll be a lot of that going on. When a few ~~~
Re: There'll be a lot of that going on. When a few
All shut down, boarded up, overgrown jungle
Another great site for the science-fiction movie
Re: Just invited to 6 Free Hotel Nights at Golden
and trees are not ginseng ....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg