~~~ London Clubs was planning on opening a casino at a property under construction on Lucaya Beach, Bahamas. I used to visit the construction site every few weeks for about 18-months while in Freeport, in hopes of learning some info about the chips... even been to the construction trailer a few times asking questions without a word mentioned about chips, until one day one of the girls in the office told me that the playing cards were delivered; rejected by gaming... and returned to the manufacturer. Then, a month or so later when the casino was almost completed with tables and all set up, I walked through and had a few conversations while the finishing touches were being done and was told where the new office was. Walked in and asked a few questions about the chips and, again, not a word mentioned... and that was during the time London Clubs was having some problems. Their operation came to a halt and the chips are still unknown... still undiscovered... which could have been at some government storage building at the airport (with the playing cards, no doubt) that blew away in the last big Hurricane that wiped out the Island. If they were there, there's a pretty good chance they "walked away" in the cleanup process. 😀