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Try for a rental agency off the airport

Airport rental agencies charge the highest rates of all. Maybe because the cars are frightened of the planes flying close overhead! One can usually do better by taking a cab or Uber to a rental agency in another part of town.

As a general rule, however - rates are in part based upon a risk factor - maybe lots of cars are damaged in accidents around Las Vegas, or abandoned or stolen, such that the agencies incur a high "recovery fee."

See if you can become a "rental car club" member which entitles one to a discount.

Messages In This Thread

Why are Vegas car rental rates so high?
Re: Why are Vegas car rental rates so high?
Try for a rental agency off the airport
Tax, too.
Re: Tax, too.
Re: Why are Vegas car rental rates so high?
shop for price, not brand
Re: Why are Vegas car rental rates so high?
Re: Why are Vegas car rental rates so high?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg