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Doug, I agree, sort of...

I've noticed, during the last few days, a preponderance of chip and casino related posts.
Yes, there are a few political posts and news updates (almost as bad as the political posts as far as I'm concerned)
but, overall, with the charge led by Pam's great posts, I've begun to enjoy theChipBoard again.
If you missed it, be sure to check out Ed Hertel's remembrances of Gene Trimble.

Messages In This Thread

Tired of seeing al the political posts so just
Doug You couldn't be more correct
Hi Doug one of the best posts of the year, here
I agree Steve !!!!
Doug don’t give up. Its better now. I’ve notic
Thanks Mitch !!!
Re: Me too. So I did something grin
Pam, You are 100% right, Thanks!
Thanks Pam, AWESOME Posts !!!!
Ah come on Doug just forget about it ehh. Ignore
True Torrey and I am 100% for free speach
I Agree, Keep the ChipGuide About Our Hobby
Complety AGREE Doug! Stay safe-Thanks!!
Doug, I agree with you More chip stories
Agree totally, it turns me off.
Doug, I agree, sort of...
Thanks Paul, I will have to look for Eds post

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