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Pam, You are 100% right, Thanks!

Messages In This Thread

Tired of seeing al the political posts so just
Doug You couldn't be more correct
Hi Doug one of the best posts of the year, here
I agree Steve !!!!
Doug don’t give up. Its better now. I’ve notic
Thanks Mitch !!!
Re: Me too. So I did something grin
Pam, You are 100% right, Thanks!
Thanks Pam, AWESOME Posts !!!!
Ah come on Doug just forget about it ehh. Ignore
True Torrey and I am 100% for free speach
I Agree, Keep the ChipGuide About Our Hobby
Complety AGREE Doug! Stay safe-Thanks!!
Doug, I agree with you More chip stories
Agree totally, it turns me off.
Doug, I agree, sort of...
Thanks Paul, I will have to look for Eds post

Copyright 2022 David Spragg