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Re: I think we need all boots on the ground right

Both Dr Birx and Dr Fauci have been telling us for weeks what the cause of spread is, and Dr Birx has been pleading with both the millennials and others that they need to follow the guidelines, and it has been made known to us that the asymptomatic who are moving about without knowing they are carriers, and since we are being told that the peak is near and that the death rate will run rampant at this point, and that not all hot spots will be approaching their peak at the same time, and that people are out and about when they should be following the guidelines, and when a city like NY has 20% of their PD out sick... I do not think there is a choice if we want to see the deathrate to slow down on the downward slope and not upwards, again, that we need more enforcement now to insure these guidelines are enforced. Otherwise, from what both Doctors are telling us, the spread can become greater. I do not see any other option and I think if we just wait to see if things pan out as they hope.. it might be a foolish move. There are hotspots where troops can be deployed and then move on to hot spot, to hot spot, as needed. It's so very, very basic, especially not knowing how folks will react and cope with seeing all this death they are telling us is going to take place this week and the week after. When Dr Fauxi keeps saying "I hope" when he explains how things should turn out, is not saying too much, in my opinion. In either event; if it goes as he "hopes" or not, having enough enforcement of the guidelines in place cannot be a bad thing... especially when there can be mass panic.

May God be with us all.

Messages In This Thread

I think we need all boots on the ground right now.
Don't worry, Trump said it's just a hoax
Re: I think we need all boots on the ground right
Today they start giving
The term was used in New York; early-America.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg