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Re: USPS Could Shut Down By June!

Did you even read the text you quoted?

The postal service has lost money for 11 straight years, mostly because of pension and health care costs. In 2017, the service lost $800 million on $69.7 billion operating revenue. Under a 2006 law, it must pre-fund 75 years' worth of retiree health benefits. Neither the government nor private companies are required to do that.

If the USPS wasn't required by an unbelievably stupid law to set aside BILLIONS of dollars every year, which (as you quoted) basically no one else is required to do, they would be well into the black.

What you're quoting is from 2017. The USPS has lost money for 11 years, starting in 2006 when that law was passed, until (you guessed it) 2017.

It's not mismanaged. It's a bloody miracle that it only "loses" $800M per year.

I get so tired of hearing Americans slag their own postal system. Do you realize that you have one of the best and cheapest postal systems in the world? Check out postage rates for literally anywhere else... they are higher. You can ship up to 2 pounds in a small flat-rate box, anywhere in the country, in 2 days or less, for about $8. That's INSANELY CHEAP. And the box itself is free!!!

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USPS Could Shut Down By June!
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Re: USPS Could Shut Down By June!
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