O.K...I like that idea! So the other Silver Slipper was 1943-1950, then it was the Satin Shoe from 1951-1953.
Was it at 936 Boulder Highway, or was it on Boulder Highway with a phone number 936?
We have lots of Nevada phone books in that date range . So here's what searching shows (happily, at one point in time I scanned a lot of Las Vegas listings, and Alan S converted them to searchable, so my computer gets to do the hard part
1942: Hardy Merlin r 425 S 6th.................936
1944: Hardy Vida E r 425 S 6th................. 936
1945: Hardy Vida E r 425 S 6th..................................936
1946: Hardy Vida E r 425 S 6 th .............................................. 936
1948: Hardy Vida E r 425 S 6th...........................................936
1950: Hardy Vida E r 425 S 6th................................ .936
1951: Hardy Vida E r 425 S 6th..................................................936
1952: Hardy Vida E r425 S 6 th ............................................... 936
1955: Hardy Vida E 425 S 6th— ---------------------------------------DU 4-5936
Good thinking, but it looks like once Vida Hardy got her paws on that phone number, she kept it! Unless she owned the Slipper...nope, never mind, the "r" means that was her residence.