Last week there was more fun and games.
There are 8 players on the island of the edge and they are trying to figure out when and how does (1) player get back in the game.
Sandra has had enough, raised the white flag and is taken away and is the first player to actually leave the game completely.
At challenge the teams have a large saucer that they need to fill with water, walk over several items and pour what is left in the saucer into a bucket.
Once there is enough water they get puzzle parts.
Team Dakal wins by a couple of seconds
Team Sele gets to camp and Yul and Nick are not happy with Wendell's trash talking. They try to figure out how they can get Wendell voted off.
At council it becomes clear that Wendell has been doing his homework and convinced Michele to vote with him.
Yul is blind sided and sent to the edge.
This week it is rumored that the teams will merge
Stand by for more fun on Wednesday night
Yul is the 9th player to be voted off