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Florida, when the Bush brothers did their gig.

Our Hurricane season is June thru Nov., and every year in preparation for a big one; the South Florida Fairgrounds and Convention Center was shut down for months to be utilized as a central staging area where thousands of trucks were In place, stocked with food, blankets, generators, chainsaws, blue tarps, plywood, gas stoves, water tankers and virtually anything else that would be needed free or charge. Then, during any of the storms during those years, huge tent chow lines were set up in all Super Target parking lots along with the same setups at major department store parking lots. In fact, the president would even come down to some of the other state fairgrounds where ice trucks and water trucks were set up and help load cars as they drove up. Very little, if any, of this was known outside of the state except for one year someone filming the president passing out ice. I used to drive through the back entrance to the fairgrounds and was amazed at the hundreds of refrigerated rigs running. It was massive; trailer after trailer; tanker after tanker and tents after tents... stocked with supplies sitting there for six months just waiting, though prepared, for the big one. And, of course, it all ended and no other president did one tenth as what George W. Bush did when Jeb was gov.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg