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When I visited Colombia and had to "go,"

I was surprised to find . . . there was no toilet seat! Apparently everyone down that way just squats on the porcelain rim. Toilet paper, they had.

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Why toilet paper? NCR
Re: Why toilet paper? NCR
Could it have been toothpicks? NCR
tomorrow's hoarding items:
TP and paper towel aisle
Staples has lots of water, towels and toilet paper
Alternates for toilet paper:
When my grandmother came to this country ~~~
When I visited Colombia and had to "go,"
Sanitary reasons. Not uncommon in public ~~~
The Rose Bowl in Pasadena still has one of those.
Re: Why toilet paper? NCR
Re: Why toilet paper? NCR
Re: Why toilet paper? NCR
I work bingo....
Re: Why toilet paper? NCR

Copyright 2022 David Spragg