in San Marino, Ca. He was considered a gangster by the many very conservative SM folks. I played football with Gary in 1954-1956, at San Marino HS. I was allowed to play poker in the Gardena clubs as a 17-18 yr. old. Played poker also in Gary's home .25 & .50 low ball poker. He would go to a closet and get a bunch of chips to play with. I have no idea what the chips were, just a fun game. we were in a car club, of course, Gary had a Vet. He went to USC, I went to U. Colo. with his sister, she had a crush on me and wanted to Marry me. I had no interest as she was a great athlete and not a very curvey girl look. Unfortunately died at 30 yrs from cancer. Wish I was a chip collector back then.