Chairman, however, here are some answers based on past Conventions, which are used as a template for future Conventions...
You asked...
1. Is there a link to the Convention schedule/programs? Not at this time, as they have not been finalized. However, if you follow this link ( the June 2019 issue of the CCA Newsletter, much of the Convention 2019 information there will be repeated for Convention 2020, but NOT the dates!
2. When are member trading/selling sessions? (My most important question.) Using the link above, Trade Sessions are noted for each respective days of the Convention.
3. Is banquet for CCA members only? Yes, members only! Anything else for members only? Yes, Poker and Blackjack Tournaments, Pre-Registration, Trade Sessions. Deadline for pre-registering for Club events? TBD, but usually about 2 weeks before the event.
Again, this is subject to finalization, as released by Steve Palumbo.
Note also, the Saturday's hours have been extended by 1 hour.