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I now live in a senior residence and once a week or so whenever the organizer can remember that we 80 or so younguns play the game we get together for a nickel/dime game. Here’s what happened last night before we fell asleep and quit. (Explanation of hands is because I sent this copied story to my kids who don’t play the game,) vbg

Poker story: several of the players are not completely awake. 7 card pot. Player #1 lays down her cards and says: “full house”. Players 2, 3 (me) & 4 fold. Player # 5 lays down his cards and says “flush” and folds as a full house beats a flush. But then after all the cards have been gathered and the next dealer starts to shuffle players #5 says “I had a straight flush “ which beats a full house several including the person who won the pot agree that he did have a straight flush. So player # 1 gathers up some change from her pot and gives it to # 5 and asks if that is enough. Player # 5 thinks and says “I don’t know” do player # 1 gives him more change. Player # 2 (Jean) says “Lets always lay down our cards.” We did. More discussion & player # 1 gives more change to #5 and that’s how poker is played by people in their 80’s.

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