Can't find my notes, But I can find the little black plastic bag of swag they gave out for the slot club sign up. I know there's a deck of cards in here, but otherwise have not opened it until now, as I'm writing this, and about to scan the goodies, Let's see! Yep, deck of cards. Fun Book, some worthwhile discounts in here, (too late now). A Pen. 2 Matchbooks, 2 moist toweletts ( a holdover from coins in slots?) And a bungee for the good looking card I thought didn't have one for.
The casino is small and unimpressive, but how big does it need to be up in the forest?
If I remember correctly, I had a hard time finding the BJ table. It's in a room with the Poker tables. There was one guy at the BJ playing $50-75 every hand. I don't remember if I had to play $5 or 10 to join in. Played my usual (for this trip) couple of hands, and scooted out with my chips.
Overall, I'd say the White Mountain Apaches here are friendlier than the Tonto Apaches at Mazatzal, if you're going to spend a night at a casino hotel in the mountains.