Yeah and I only have a few. Nice collection!I think that all of this beats the usual key-chains, ashtrays, and pens that "normal" people would collect. But I never claimed to be normal!
Imagine packing a large coin bucket on the flight back from Reno? But the best was going through airport x-ray, leaving Elko, with only a carry on. The bottom level was boxes of a few hundred casino chips. I hope they were amused?
Some day I'll find my old expired coupons. They were junk paper back in the day, but now they are historical notes from the 80s?
Thanks...Lol, we have all of that stuff too! And more . Our most difficult trip home was the trip where we found someone selling old casino ashtrays for $2 each (I think we ended up with about 55, for $100 total)...AND a bunch of decks of cards for under $1 each. It was easy to buy a bunch, because they were "small" and didn't take up much room. Thank goodness that was before the airlines imposed weight limits on luggage, because we could barely lift the suitcases! There was another trip where we brought back a barrel cactus, planted in an ice bucket! lol!
Those were the good old days