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NCR Strange cojmputer error LOL NCR

I was checking the UCI of some bills when this happened. A second check of the serial number gave a real UCI answer. grin
The number you entered was .2871107.

Congratulations! You have found an extremely cool number! It has a Universal Coolness Index of 99.83%

.2871107's digits sum to 0. In 0.0000010% of 8-digit numbers, the digits sum to at most 0.
.2871107 contains an 8-of-a-kind together. Only 0.000010% of 8-digit numbers have this combination.
.2871107 has 1 unique digit. In 0.000010% of 8-digit numbers, there is 1 unique digits.
.2871107 is a palindrome! Only 0.010% of 8-digit numbers are palindromes.
All of the digits in .2871107 are multiples of 3. Only 0.070% of 8-digit numbers have this property.
All of the digits in .2871107 are even! Only 0.39% of 8-digit numbers have this property

Copyright 2022 David Spragg