~~~ we know they are London, not fake and in no way "drink tip tokens" or "training chips"
since, witn jetons back then, there were shedloads all over the place in France, alone, after the new currency as there are today in all of Europe millions and millions jetons in all countries where the € replaced their DM, P, F and all else... and, to consider Playboy would go out to order training ietons, I seriously doubt, especially without "training..." graphics as many of their diffenf American-style clay composition chips depict and, even though we are unsure if they are American-Style Roulette chips but jetons and the table not known to be, how can we be certain they are not even if in use for as short of a time as one or even a few days, with all the crap Playboy pulled to cause their shut down of their operations in the UK...
I do agree, to play it safe on ChipGuide, that the one London Playboh Club jeton with the same exact central h graphics as these, be removed from Roulette and moved to jetons and maybe I will try to find proof if they were indeed American-Style Roulettes used on a French wheel where those players would feel a lot more comfortable in having their own color and set value seen on the wheel and not using value marked jetons that other players were also using.