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Here are the Ivories I am keeping for my .........

..........Collection !!
I have always liked Ivory chips and had a "handful" in my collection. As I said in the post below I acquired around 65 assorted Ivories for my collection a couple of months ago.
The main reason I got them was to put them in the Abalone covered box I picked up in North Carolina in September. I thought it would made a nice little display for my Museum. When I look at the Abalone Box full of Ivory chips I remember back many, many years ago when I visited the homes of "Doc" Alan Myers and Dale Seymour and saw some of their Great collections of old Ivory chips - it was an inspiration to a novice collector and now 27 years later I have my own little collections of Ivory chips to enjoy !!
Check out the scans below.
These chips are NOT for sale !!!
Take care,

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Here are the Ivories I am keeping for my .........
Wow. Some of those codes are quite scarce ~~~
Very, very NICE !!!
Re: Here are the Ivories I am keeping for my .....
Nice Collection JB ! Jewel of the nile !
Nice, congrats!
Re: Nice, congrats!
Ivory set I am KEEPING -- JOSEPHINE SET, best set!
Enjoy it in the best of health. Great set.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg