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Let Me Introduce Myself...

Today I quickly introduce myself for those of you who don't know who I am. I'm Oscar, a 25 year old, recent college graduate living in Las Vegas. I'm really into collecting older casino chips, casino history, trading stock options, crypto, learning about history, graphic design and media and a whole lot more. I have a beautiful fiancée and little one who are my world and I've got a dog and cat. You'll definitely see more of them in the coming videos! Hope you enjoy!

My favorite chips are TRKs (TR King Co. Small Crown and Large Crown Chips)

My favorite chip ever is the Nevada Club $20

My favorite chip set that I own is the Starlite TRKs from California or the 4807 Club Illegal Set I have from Cicero, IL.

The single rarest chip I've ever owned was a Sneak Joint $1 or Desert Inn $1000

What about you?

Here's the link:

Messages In This Thread

Let Me Introduce Myself...
Pretty cool video Oscar. Enjoyed hearing about
What a great idea!
Thanks guys!
Re: Let Me Introduce Myself...

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