Hello my name is Rodrigo Garcia, I just wanted to share a gambl
ing collection and maybe get some more information of any of you and share what I know of these collection.
This is a set of 1920 mother of pearl chips and 2 roulettes one standing and 2 horizontal. They use to belong to the Casino de la Selva located in Cuernavaca Morelos Mexico. The Casino was owned by my great grand father and he closed it up in 1936 when gambling was prohibited in Mexico since then this items were kept in storage by my family. The Casino de la Selva was famous because of its arquitecture and for having painted murals of famous muralist David Alfaro Siqueiros it was demolished in the 1990's.
I believe the chips are French and they were brought by my great grand father to Mexico.
Have you seen before such a large collection of chips? Do you believe to be more valuable as a collection or as individual chips could go?
Thanks you for your time if anybody is interested in continue talking about this collection I will be happy to do so.
Have a nice day.
Rodrigo Garcia