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for sale $1 "Vintage Room" chip from CA - closed 1989

Extra! CCA members only. Extra!

I purchased approximately 130 $1 chips from the closed "Vintage Room" card room in Madera, CA.

As I am sure you noticed, the INSERTS description is: "3 Tan/Mustard". You can see in the picture, the inserts are more red than tan.

The chips have hot stamps on both sides. Of the chips I received, I consider only 24 of them to have a good hot stamp on both sides. The chips I received appear to have been cleaned (not by me). While the INSERTS are tan/brown, you can still see some residue of the red.

I am asking $6 per chip shipped (U.S.) in a #000 bubble mailer. I will also include a bonus chip with the hot stamp barely visible.

If interested, link a SOLD message to this post and then follow-up with an email to finalize the deal.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg