The Majestic Star has been using the same house chip since they opened in 1996. I guess the pandemic is good from something for when they reopened they have a new rack.
I will made some of these available shortly, as I am waiting to hear back from people that pre-ordered and I trade with. I believe I will have one (1) set $1-$25, two (2) set $1-$5, two (2) extra $5 chips and ten (10) $1 chips. Four chip set $45 shipped, three chip set $15 shipped, $5 chips $7.70 shipped and $1 chips $4.50 shipped but prefer to trade for other new releases I don't have (trades get preference). No $100 chip available, I just grab a photo with my phone for the Chip Guide. Also, if necessary I can go back next weekend for more chips, I don't have any individual $2.50 chips at this time, sorry guys.