We used to provide the rails for Amtrak going to Chicago as well as maintenance for all of Chicago's commuter service (RTA?). The funny story about the Milwaukee Road is that shortly after I joined them they declared bankruptcy and around 1977 almost went out of business. The track to the west coast was bad so they spent all of their money on track repairs. That was a bad winter and at one point they had no engines that were still running since they had no money for locomotive repairs. As part of the bankruptcy they finally decided to sell some surplus land to help keep things running. To say that the railroad was poorly managed was the understatement of the century. At the point they sold the land the bankrupt stock was selling for $2 a share. They made so much money selling the land that the stock went to $200. If they had that much valuable land lying around why didn't they sell it before going bankrupt??? Just unbelievable.
The one thing I always liked was that I designed the paint scheme for the bicentennial locomotive.