...I have been a big supporter of the Museum of Gaming History since day 1, years ago, when Jim Kruse first posted his idea here on TCB. I have also raised a lot of money for the cause. Especially in the first few years. I had a number of chips made back then. One of them is shown here. There were only a 100 made of this numbered oversized, 44mm chip. I gave them to those who made donations of a $100 or more to the MoGH. I still have a couple of them left, if interested, just email me at: andyhughes128@gmail.com Let me know how much you are donating. Once the MoGH receives it I will mail the chip out. I will pay for postage on my end.
I think I saw where someone donated a $100 recently. If someone from the MoGH BoD wants to email me their address I will drop one of the chips in the mail to that person. I also need an address for someone to wants to donate for a chip to send their $100 or more donation.
Andy Hughes - LM-2471-52