I have only seen and heard of these chips used as lammers in roulette games. They are not value chips in that they have no cash value themselves. They only designate the value of the roulette chips being used by the players. Roulette chips typically have no set value. The value is determined when the chips are purchased to use on the table. Each player has their own color and no two players have the same color. When the value is set during the buy in, the lammers are used to indicate on the remaining unpurchased chips of the same color the value that the chips have been set at. Similar chips are available in the hobby, although without the impressive attribution.
They are other types of lammers, such as in craps games where they indicate buy or lay bets, whether the odds are on or off during roll outs, etc.
Unless you have solid information otherwise, that is how they should be described.
Michael Siskin