These are only the seller's images. I will study the actual plaques when I receive them but, for now; I am curious as to what they were used for and, it appears at a much later time than when originally used since this is actually the obverse (engraving shaved away?) and odly, the denominations are low, being £2 for the oval and £5 for the rectangle seen below.
The serial number or whatever it is appears to be much later in time as well and it's encircled, machine engraved with the drillhole not going all the way through.
It appears a couple examples the seller has are in different stages such as one obverse being blank, and another example of just the encircled number without the drilling. Being in three or four differnt stages kind of tells me these either never left the shop for their new destination or...???
I only bought the two pieces since both exhibit the numbering and drilling and a blank, polished obverse,