That is not the landing page for the MoGH's ChipGuide.
This is the link to the Club/MoGH's ChipGuide landing page and this is what it looks like.
In response to some of your question(s)...
I wondered this myself after recent chat here... If I submitted an image to the guide in the past... Did I give up my rights to publish it myself in the future? Do I now need permission from the CLUB or Guide to use it myself?
Westin, here are some of the answers, but foremost
I don't want to give up rights to my images. Let's say I submitted an image... Does that mean I have to now
credit TCG if I ever use it again? Is this just a big gray area that is muddy?
You do not give up the rights to use your submitted images. Remember, the images you submit are "changed" by the posting process of ChipGuide and it is those modified images that the ChipGuide Usage Policy pertains to. This is as I understand it, but I defer to Charles for any clarification.
Most people don't look at the details... but these details are more important than the headings in my opinion.
I can agree with this.