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Re: Interesting Metal Inlay Chip - Ivory, Bone or.

The process in which a production of die-cur metal inlays are embedded in a clay composition and plastic-type material can not be done with bone or Ivory since they are not molten though, material such as glass is common to see with metal embedded in the molten process.

Way too much work to carve bone or Ivory to receive a metal inlay that appears to be that perfect, I would think... especially for gambling chips sets/inventory.

Here is a Celluloid-type plastic with a die-cut metal inlay where the inlay has texture o one side.

Messages In This Thread

NEW: Interesting Metal Inlay Chip - Ivory, Bone or.....
NEW: Re: Interesting Metal Inlay Chip - Ivory, Bone or.
NEW: Walt - I thought it was probably Plastic .........
NEW: Re: Interesting Metal Inlay Chip - Ivory, Bone or.
NEW: John - Good info on the Bone and Ivory ...........
NEW: The reason why I illustrated this chip and ~~~ .
NEW: A chip or a watch ?
NEW: Re: Interesting Metal Inlay Chip - Ivory, Bone or.

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