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How the Chip Market is Affected by Large Finds

Today I get to show you guys a special opportunity that I was able to have this weekend at the annual CCA Convention at the South Point casino. I had an educational seminar which was all about "How the Chip Market is Affected by Large Finds". I thought it went really well and I got tons of positive feedback about the seminar itself and how I handled it. We talked about different hoards that were found over the past year or two and how they have affected chip prices either in a positive or negative way. Afterwards we had a great discussion which everyone in the room felt welcome into joining and putting their input into. I had so much fun and there's a chance that I'd like to do another seminar next year. I wasn't expecting the room to be full by any means and it made it that much better because it was and being able to see so many faces that I knew.

Here's the link, enjoy:

Copyright 2022 David Spragg