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I can still do 2-3 for under $1.50 ....
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Over $4 to mail a $1 chip!
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Over $4 to mail a $1 chip!
Re: Over $4 to mail a $1 chip!
I can still do 2-3 for under $1.50 ....
But No Tracking and...
I offer tracking for $3.50 extra ...
On Ebay, no tracking = automatic refund
Re: I can still do 2-3 for under $1.50 ....
Re: I can still do 2-3 for under $1.50 ....
buy them at:
Re: Over $4 to mail a $1 chip!
Re: Over $4 to mail a $1 chip!
Postage Killed The Round Robins We Use To Do
Not as much as other things. ☹ Actually, since..
Honest, you have my sympathy -kills trades too
SPINETTIES charged me $7.02!
Yea, but that was for a Riverboat
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