Thanks SCOTT, John and Jason. I really appreciate the comments/suggestions you took the time to offer.
And yes, John I see where you are coming from and I also see that it would be selfish of me not to put it in a better, more concise with less padding type format although I will try to get a more "normal" person to help me with that so it will eventually get done. Maybe sometime in the New Year perhaps as I hope to be busy for the next couple of months (or weeks at least). I really appreciated the comments though so thanks again. You too SCOTT and especially yours Jason as you are from the UK and we have dealt many times before so you know how "flaky" I can be. We all have our foibles/idiosyncrasies. It is a story definitely worth telling but I think I am almost talked out now. Hopefully my excitement will have died down a tad and my ramblings will make more sense to everybody.
There are still so many loose ends in my head (that should be here, right now) but at the moment, enough's enough.
The pictures say a 1000 words so I'll utilise those better and try to blabber less.
Thanks for the "don't be stupid" head slap.