After visiting the Pasadena City College Swap.
Highlight of my swappy walk, if you will - a gentleman had over 100 chips for sale. All excited now, I asked if I could pick and choose. "Nope," he replied. "I paid $80 for the lot and I intend to sell them for $150." I admire a man who reveals his markup. But on closer inspection - most of the chips were "blanks" with a healthy dose of Paulson Manufacturer Samples tossed in, some Circus Circus roulettes with the clown (CG154320 for those who live by the Guide), a few intriguing metal medallions which I think were gift shop card-guard items, and maybe two or three actual "casino chips" (a $3 from Texas Station). I explained to him what he had (i.e., some gems, mostly junk) but he held firm. He was clueless, and I was clown-less. I expect he'll be there next month with the same box full.