More great stuff. Thanks for posting. I always enjoy your post. I collect all this same stuff if it comes from the Thunderbird. I enjoy collecting T-bird chips but at this point all the chips I need are rated " Q " or higher. In fact I need 47 chips to complete my Thunderbird collection with a low book value of $69,400.00 ( That's Chip Rack 18 prices ) Even if all the chips were available to purchase I would never spend that kind of money ( $69,400.00 ) on a hobby. I am OK with knowing I will never complete my Thunderbird chip collection. I will just enjoy the ones I have. The last couple years I have enjoyed picking up the oddball Thunderbird items I do not have and have spent minimal amounts of money doing that. I can honestly say that if all of my Thunderbird Collection had no resale value, I would still be glad that I own it. I doubt there are that many casino collectible collectors out there that can say that and mean it.