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The Chip Board Archive 25

Extra! Survivor Update Extra!

Ron sent to EOE at TC last night. It would have been Rick had he not found and Played his Immunity Idol, and the show he put on at TC was epic. Should he get to final 3, no doubt he will win it all IMO. .Only 2 episodes left. IMO, there is 1 challenge you should never win and thats the Loved Ones Challenge, several knew this and didnt try very hard in the challenge, especially Rick, too funny, throwing the water at his wifes head instead of the bucket and taking the time to ask about all back home. I think the loved ones show is kind of lame anyway, a challenge you dont want to win and everyone acting like they havent seen their loved one in 10 years instead of a few weeks.

I assume next week will be the challenge for all at EOE., this hasn't played well. I'm sure the challenge, to be fair to all will have a puzzle at the end, so anyone could win, but say Joe or Chris gets back in the game and gets to final 3, how could you vote for that person to win? They havent been back in the game for so long, how could you say they out-played any one?

Purple panty Lauren still has an Idol, but who has she outplayed or outwitted? no one. and that goes for everyone else except for Rick. Aurora and Gavin have won 2 challenges each, so what? No one really likes Aurora, Gavin seems pretty likeable. Julie and Victoria have done nothing but take up space.
1.00 Contest
Walter Dirzulaitis ...............Rick Devens.....4th voted out, hate seeing him go, about the only entertaining player so far..RICK BACK IN THE GAME
Ron Bayne.......................David Wright..10th sent to EOE
Walter Dirzulaitis ...............Kelley Wentworth..11th sent to EOE
Brian Beasley...................Julie Rosenberg
Hotrod Myers...................Gavin Whitson
Keith Gabor......................Reem Daly....1st voted off, no social game play
Robert Likes.....................Keith Sowell.....2nd voted off, couldnt swim...why even come on Survivor?...Keith quit and left the Island.
Bob Hiestand....................Dan "The Wardog" DaSilva..12th sent to EOE
Dennis Berry.....................Aubry Bracco....5th voted got..Blindside, with an Idol and a Advantage in her pocket
Dennis Berry.....................Wendy Diaz..6th voted out, an easy call because the new Manu tribe wouldnt go to rocks for Wendy...Wendy quit and left the Island
Bill Purcell........................Joe Anglim..7th voted out
Virgil Foss.........................Chris Underwood....3rd voted off, sometimes your 1st mistake can be your last.
Steve Gobel......................Eric Hafemann...8th voted out.
Richard Meyer...................Lauren O'Connell
Roger Herman...................Aurora McCreary
Alan Borenstein................Julia Carter....9th voted out
Ricky Pushkin....................Victoria Baamonde
James Stroud.....................Ron Clark...13th sent to EOE

5.00 Contest
Bill Purcell.......................Chris Underwood......3rd voted off, sometimes your 1st mistake can be your last.
Alan Borenstein...............Wendy Diaz...6th voted out, an easy call because the new Manu tribe wouldnt go to rocks for Wendy.....Wendy Quit, left the Island.
Keith Gabor.....................Joe Anglim...7th voted out
Dennis Berry....................Lauren O'Connell
Robert Likes....................Aubry Bracco....5th voted got..Blindside, with an Idol and a Advantage in her pocket
Bob Hiestand..................Dan "The Wardog" DaSilva....12th sent to EOE
Walter Dirzulaitis ..............Kelley Wentworth...11th sent to EOE
Ricky Pushkin.................Rick Devens.....Rick Devens.....4th voted out, hate seeing him go, about the only entertaining player so far...RICK BACK IN THE GAME
Hotrod Myers.................Keith Sowell.....2nd voted off, couldnt swim...why even come on Survivor?..Keith quit, left the Island.
Bill Purcell.....................Victoria Baamonde
Ricky Pushkin.................Eric Hafemann....8th voted out.
James Stroud..................Ron Clark....13th sent to EOE
Steve Gobel....................David Wright...10th sent to EOE
Walter Dirzulaitis ...............Reem Daly....1st voted off, no social game play
Dennis Berry...................Julia Carter...9th voted out
Ricky Pushkin..................Julie Rosenberg
Brian Beasley..................Aurora McCreary
Bill Purcell......................Gavin Whitson

Copyright 2022 David Spragg